We are not looking for office workers. We are looking for ambitious young people willing to rise to the challenge. Young people who don’t watch the clock and who are aiming to gain extremely high quality professional experience – immediately. From day one, our consultant will participate in meetings with the top management of the companies who are our clients. This is why we are extremely careful in the selection process, however once we are convinced of our choice, we delegate very fast.
Each consultant has total visibility on the project he or she follows. This is valid not only for all the various phases of the project, but also out of respect for the client. Indeed, our objective is to make each consultant completely autonomous on the project as quickly as possible.

No internships. If we consider that a person has talent, we offer an open-ended contract from day one. Sure, the fixed salary is low. However, for every new project that the consultant succeeds in managing, thanks to his or her personal initiative, we recognize a bonus equal to 15% on the value of that project. And this, whether the consultant brings the project with the contract already signed, or VISIONANDO succeeds in signing the contract at a later point.

We are not a large consulting company. We are a Consulting Boutique. We are the crème de la crème. We do not even have offices. We don’t need them: our offices are our clients. Our consultants are followed by the Managing Partner, based on a relationship of esteem and trust. It’s not important where they work, but the results. After two years, a VISIONANDO consultant who has shown he or she has high professional skills at both management level and for generating new projects, will become a Junior Partner. As such, he or she will be recognized a 5% share in the company.
Many people think that you don’t need to become friends in the workplace. We believe exactly the opposite: ten who want to be are much stronger than a hundred who have to be. We are looking for those ten.